Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29/14 The stories are TRUE!

Whaddup Fam,                                                                                        Sept 29th, 2014 
Another exciting week here in the land of Alberton. I'm finally starting to understand parts of the culture, but some things I’m learning about are pretty funny. For example,  people here still love chicken. There are KFC's on every corner and everywhere you go. Even in townships that have nothing  have a KFC. It’s like to equivalent to a McDonald’s on every corner in the U.S I guess.  And watermelon season is just around the corner for us:). The culture is awesome and I love it.

Monday- P_Day I wrote you last week about my biking in the Animal Preserve.

Tuesday- we continued to street contact downtown and we are dishing out referrals like John Stockton dishes assists.  Every day I meet someone with a unique story and everyone comes from a different African culture so it is pretty exciting listening to their stories. We also went tracting and knocked on gates and got chased by stray dogs. As we were tracting, Elder Martin and I had this feeling to knock on this gate. So we did and this lady let us in (NEVER HAPPENS) and we talked about the restoration. She has been looking for a church here entire life so she was very interested in what we were teaching her and we have an appointment this week. I know it’s a kind of cliché –ish mission story but as we were leaving I was thinking, Man IT"S TRUE, those kind of stories really happen!!

Wednesday- Another great day of contacting downtown and tracting. Here’s a crazy story. We were tracting in this neighborhood that no one answers their gates. The previous missionaries have called it the "Twilight Zone" or something like that. So Elder Martin and I went there. And one of the first gates we knocked on was a Guy who had taken all the discussions in East London and was about to get baptized but he had to suddenly leave. He literally ran out and opened the gate and started thanking us without ending. But he has read the BOM and also all the way through his Gospel Principles Manual and has stayed clean so that when he found the missionaries he could be baptized. Unfortunately, he lives in a neighboring area, but I'm glad that I could experience how the Lord works in gathering his kingdom.

Thursday- everything fell through :/ Those days are a little rough!

Friday- Another day of meeting awesome people. We met these three young adults who also are looking for a church to go to. So we taught them about the restoration and they all wanted a BOM. They play on a soccer team and wanted us to come and pray for their team so that they could win and take home all the cash they bet on the game. hahahaha They are awesome guys and actually started a soccer team for younger kids to keep them away from drugs and other things that are so prevalent here in S Africa. We’ll meet with them this week as well. 

Sat- I swear I met Akon. I'm not kidding, this dude looked the exact same. LIke same voice as well. So I tried to take a picture of him but it's blurry. We met with one of our investigators Pitchou and her husband who are both from the Congo. Her husband is one of the biggest guys I've ever seen. He's like 6'5" and like 260 of muscle. but he is a member of the Methodist church, so we gave them a restoration DVD to watch with their family and gave them 2 French Book of Mormon. awesome Family

Sun- I got to go to my first Braii which means like barbeque or something like that. Elder Martin was trained in an area right next to ours called Vooslorus, so us and some other members and the guys he baptized while he was there were trained by a Jojo (African Mother) in making Pap which is like tasteless hardened potatoes. hahahaha We ate so much food I felt sick. But the guys who Elder Martin found and baptized are still very strong in the church and they are looking to serve misions as well. Missions really do change peoples’ lives and their families lives as well
This week was so great and I'd like to leave with a scripture that is one of my favorites, It is 3rd Nephi 12:16. "Let your light shine".
Elder Broadhead

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