Monday, June 1, 2015

5/25/15 Happy 19th Bday

May 25th, 2015

 Sawubona everyone,

Thank you all for the Birthday wishes! It will be a little bit different than last year, but I am looking forward to serving people on the BDay. Update on Elder Sibanda, his humility and kindness is greater than any person on the earth, so much that he offered to do up the zipper on my pants, while I was wearing them this morning. But, this week has been another amazing one here in Rabie Ridge and there are many many great things that are happening! I'll do the Big 5 miracles that have happened this week.

#1 Elder Sibanda has definitely brought an amazing tool to the work, he can speak the peoples language and due to that a lot of people that we thought wouldn't progress are starting to keep commitments. The lessons are a little dull for me, but I'll be fluent in Zulu and Sesutu by the end of this transfer :)

#2 We continue to stop in and check in on less-active people. Like I said a couple of emails ago there are about 460 on the records and only about 200 are active. So we stopped in on the a Family this week and shared a message about the restoration. They haven't been to church in about 4 years and GUESS WHAT. WE WALKED WITH THEM TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!!! Talk about a big miracle.

 #3 I wouldn't consider this a miracle but it pretty miraculous. Elder Sibanda wanted to eat dinner so he started to boil rice and he left it boiling while we went down to talk to the other elders in our complex. We came back and our flat was smoked out as when I would try and take the Yoder on the Freeway. Anyways We sprayed the pan with the Fire Extinguisher and let the flat air out........Elder Sibanda still ate the rice :) Not sure what the chemical count was but it couldn’t have been good.

#4 Our recent convert Jethro, hit us up with another cousin of his that is a Father led family. HIs name is Smiling and the guy looks as ripped as Elder Wagner. So he and his wife are reading the Book of Mormon and have been to church the last 2 weeks!

#5 We are having a ward temple trip in a month and we have began to prepare some of the recent converts and returning less-actives to become prepared for the experience and it has been working really well. so it will be great to see what will happen in the upcoming month. 

 I'll make sure to write down some of the funny things that Elder Sibanda says this week :) It’s always an adventure.

Love you all and enjoy your summer :)

elder bhead

Mosiah 2:41

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