Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3/22/15 Best Kind of March Madness

Hey Fam,                  3/22/15

March Madness continues on and this week we were blessed to have a couple of baptisms. It was a boy and girl. They are the children of  an amazing lady who was a referral from another family that was baptized .She is such an amazing lady didn't feel ready but really wanted her children to be baptized so it was awesome. As March Madness continues to escalate, Elder Ainslie and I had another mad week of great experiences.

Tuesday-I started feeling like I was coming down with something. So I took some Ibuprofen and went into the area. It was pretty rough, I must say but something amazing happened. Every time we would open with a prayer at the beginning of a lesson it seemed the pain would go away and as we would close with a prayer it would come back again. So we had some amazing lessons. We taught two people that was a referral from the lady whose children we just baptized. 

Wednesday-The sickness continued, we didn't have the car today so we walked everywhere. Even worse is that it rained the entire day, I learned walking in the rain while being sick is one of the most miserable things. We had another amazing day. Jethro continues to learn and grow in the gospel and was ordained on Sunday. He is amazing, church is becoming a big family reunion for him as he is inviting his ENTIRE family to come to church. He has 15 brothers and sisters that have families of their own. Lets just say he is a gold-mine. We finished up the day teaching a guy who wanted to know about what happens after death. lol we dropped a ton of puns about the restoration. He said he felt the spirit very strongly testifying of the plan. So another miracle!

Thursday- back to a 100 percent for me, but I gave the sickness to Elder Ainslie. He was a warrior and went into the area as well. We met a man , who has been to church. He is going through some struggles, namely he separated with his wife and she passed away. So he has a lot of great questions that the gospel can answer. We finished the day at the lady’s whose children we just baptized and got everything ready for her baptism on Sunday! Elder Ainslie finished the day at the toilet throwing up. :)

Friday-Ainslie basically died, he slept for 14 hours. So I played housewife and cleaned and cooked and got everything sorted. Call me Cinderella.

Saturday-Prayers were answered and Ainslie was healed. I'll share an amazing experience that we had. We met this less-active lady named Sister Covenant. She is amazing, she was married to her late-husband for 13 years. They had 2 kids and were sealed in the Jo-Burg temple in 2011. He passed away in 2013 and she has been less-active since. So we found her and went and shared a message about families with her. She said she felt joy that has been missing in her life while we were there. Soon she will be back to church.

Sunday- Madness continues with the 2 baptisms. The baptisms went flawlessly and Elder Ainslie baptized the young man, and I baptized the young girl. The most awesome thing was we had about 10 investigators at the baptism. Each of them came to us after and said they wanted to be baptized. AFRICA IS BLESSED and I am grateful to watch each miracle the Lord sends.

The madness continues and Elder Ainslie and I are experiencing joys of the work. The church is true and it's simpleness is something that is absolutely beautiful. 
2 Blessed 2 Be Stressed
Elder Broadhead

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