Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3/9/15 Just trying to blend in. . . .

March 9, 2015

Good morning!!!! Sorry again about last week, time was short  and computers were SUPER slow. The weeks here in Rabie Ridge continue to fly by. I received the Christmas package and the Valentines one from the Young Women as well, so this week really was a party! A big shout out to the Young Women for their motivational hearts. . . .  now their hearts are hanging on my wallJ
 I realized that I haven't really described a township very well, so I will give you a better example. It is exactly what we experienced when we were playing in the basketball tournaments in Vegas and we walked into the gym and realize we are the only white team there. So whenever people see us walking around the kids come and greet us and we get strange looks from the adults. I'm just trying to blend in . . . . .
This week we have experienced some mighty miracles so I'll get to them.

Tuesday- One of our investigators, Samkeliso, who is on date for March 22nd gave us referral that we contacted and went and saw Tuesday night. We brought one of our YSA's named Eugene. It turns out that it is a family of four, they are from Zimbabwe, and the father was baptized in 1997. We talked a little bit longer and found out that Eugene and Lizewe are form the same place in Zimbabwe and went to the exact same chapel, they just didn't know each other. We had a powerful lesson about the gospel and families and they came to church!
African workout
Wed- Our car broke down, so we took it into the dealership. Turns out it is one of the oldest mission cars and is absolute dirt, so we got a new. Finished the day with a couple of lessons and moving chairs to a funeral. 

Thursday- We showed up to see one of our less-actives named Jeanette at her home. Continued to talk and turns out that her daughter is less-active and wants to raise her kids in the church. Continued talking and her son was in another room and we got an appointment to see him as well, great family!

Friday- It rained harder than I have ever seen and we were walking. It was pretty cool, just is very difficult to teach someone when it is raining on a tin roof. Elder Ainslie and I were practically yelling the restoration. "JOSEPH SMITH WAS A PROPHET!" so we ended by watched the restoration dvd and called it good.

Saturday-  My first experience at an African funeral and it was definitely interesting. Lots of food and lots and lots of singing. My vocal chords were aching by the time we were done. Had some sweet appointments and got ready for the Sabbath. 
Sun-Another fun day full of work!
Have a swell week. Love you all!

Elder Bhead

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