Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10.26.15 New Adventures

Well Family,

As a missionary when the day comes you get a message from President that you are getting transferred, it usually comes with feelings such as sadness, anticipation, and maybe a little happiness if you don't get a long with your companion. This Friday, the message came through and I was pretty stunned. Elder Clegg and I have just been together for one transfer and  there are some exciting baptisms and families that we have found and begun teaching. There are so many great things happening here so it was definitely bittersweet to say goodbye to the families this week.  I have only known them for a little amount of time but they are amazing people that I will miss. But whatever lies ahead will be what God wants and is his plan for me! I’ll find out Tuesday where my new adventure will take me.

I'll share 3 sweet and interesting experiences that happened this week.
#1  We started teaching a family . . . . Interestingly,   the Dad found the Book of Mormon in an alley and he started reading it, later we met him while we were doing service at the Methodist soup kitchen. Coincidence? I don’t think so. We had a great first lesson with them. They are pretty glued to their church, but as we testified of the Book of Mormon, as we did there was special spirit filled the air, bearing testimony is so powerful. They are going to continue to read and pray about it!!

#2 Our most progressing investigator William, toughed out 6 hours of conference this weekend (Yes we got to watch conference! It was so awesome!!), I only caught him sleeping through 1 talk lol. He will be baptized in about 2 weeks and things are just going so well for him. He sees a lot of positive changes in his life and wants to bring his family (who lives 4 hours away) to church as well. I'm jealous of Elder Clegg, his baptism will be a hard one to miss!!!

Taxi Ride. . . No need to explain.
This week I also had the chance to go on exchanges with the missionaries in Etwa-twa. They are trying out taking taxi's to get around, which I would compare to the bus on Harry Potter that goes a billion miles an hour and screeches to a stop. Anyway it was awesome and an adventure to experience Africa in a tight Toyota Quantum that smelled like Pap (An African food that definitely should not be used as an air freshener).. 

Another area down and another adventure to go! 
Love you all,

Elder Broadhead

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