Monday, May 23, 2016

5.23.16 Moving the work forward!


Morning Fam!
Back at it again in the land of Mzansi. There is plenty to update you on and some exciting things happening! So this week, I'll give you a day to day run-down of life in the Jo-Burg mission!

Tuesday- we began our week on an exchange! So I went to an area in Soweto called Protea-Glen and Elder Ratsi held down the fort in Kagiso. Our first lesson pretty much set the tone for the day. We met a man named Moses. He is about 33, skinny as a rail, and struggling to overcome some addictions. His life has been h.e.c.t.i.c. He is an ex- drug abuser who has taken steps to change and he faithfully comes to church every week. He shared about how he smoked a cigarette this week and then he opened the Book of Mormon and instantly he threw and stomped out the rest of the bud. #alldatpower

Wednesday- back in the area with Elder Ratsi! It was another Power-packed day. It started  a little iffy we tried to have a member  come with us for the first couple of lessons. We weren’t very successful however, we ironed it out and ended up taking a prospective elder out. After the first couple of lessons he said, "Elders is it alright if I stay out a little longer" a little longer turned into the entire day and even though he is deathly afraid of dogs. We pushed through and had a great day!
Thursday- We awoke and got the news that a less-active member we had given a blessing to about a week earlier had passed away..... The family was already grieving over a lost granddaughter about a month before, and then they lost their grandmother. The other side of it, is we can see the  sparks of their testimony were being kindled. They knew the plan of Salvation, but for years they had neglected the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Trials indeed do make you stronger! They have accepted an appointment to meet with us again!
Because we have a temple in our area. President Dunn allows our entire zone to have a temple trip every other transfer. Oh how I love being in the temple and I know why in Primary we sing "I Love to See the Temple." After our session,  we had a district meeting outside of the cafeteria and even got to see some of the visiting  Elders Kevin Hamilton, Carl B. Cook, and Fandrianoma Ratsimbazafy. 
Saturday- another exchanges in Pimville. Had a service opportunity where we helped a recent-convert whose house was destroyed by the government, then excavate and dump a "load" of bricks and sand. At the end of the service I shouted "MOVE THAT BUS".............. everyone looked around and asked me where is that bus. . . . . I guess Extreme Home Makeover never made it to South Africa :)
Sunday- We had a baptism! A 13 year old boy who lives with his Grandma, his  named is Junior and he was baptized! It has been pretty interesting to teach him, because at 13 he was addicted to coffee. The problem was solved with a universal treaty that Hot Chocolate could be used and........he was able to be baptized! 
Love you and hope you enjoy your week!
Elder Bhead

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